Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Official: Fox News is Fair and Balanced

Guest host for The O’Reilly Factor last Friday night was, no not Rush Limbaugh, but Juan Williams. So – not that we ever doubted - it is now official that Fox News is fair and balanced and the rest of the mainstream media is not. Fox has its conservative voices like Sean Hannity, its independents like Bill O’Reilly and its liberals like Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. Most are clearly staked out and the programs let each side have a voice. So why do liberals dislike Fox? That’s easy! It’s simply because Fox gives conservatives the voice that they will never get elsewhere. The liberal media purports to report the news when, in fact, they have a built-in bias and shill for one side.

Until we see Ann Coulter guest hosting for Katie Couric we will know the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Let's not get carried away RedState. Fox News is clearly biased to the Right....that's why I like it. Sure they have their token liberals, just like the New York Times (Brooks) and even MSNBC (Joe Scarborough, Pat Buchanon) have their token conservatives.

    The left hates Fox News because it is successful. It drives the news, and therefore politics, in the opposite direction. I have always hated the main steam media for the same, but opposite, reason.
