Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daddy Care

Under the rules, an employer-sponsored health plan or a company selling individual insurance policies must offer coverage to subscribers’ children up to the age of 26, regardless of whether a child lives with his or her parents, attends college, is a dependent for income-tax purposes or receives financial support from the parents.

Coverage is to be available to married and unmarried children alike.

The cost will be borne by all families with employer-sponsored insurance, with family premiums expected to rise by about 1 percent, the government said. (NYT, 5/11/10)

So to be clear…to be eligible under Obamacare your kids don’t have to live at home, go to school, or be your dependents and they can stay on Dad’s health care plan. Why stop there? Why not also say that they don’t even have to be your kids?

On his radio show several weeks back, Dennis Miller had a great line about trying to push your grown children out into the world so that they could learn to fend for themselves. Meanwhile the government is expanding the parental safety net.

And, by the way, we thought premiums were going down!

Barney Frank Could Not Be Reached For Comment
Fannie Mae asked the U.S. government for an additional $8.4 billion in aid after posting an $11.5 billion net loss for the first quarter, the latest sign that the bailout of the mortgage investor and its main rival, Freddie Mac, is likely to be the most expensive legacy of the U.S. housing-market bust. (NYT, 5/11/10)

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