Sunday, October 17, 2010

Strictly Speaking

Wacky Tabaky
According to recent polls, Californians are on the verge of approving the legalization of marijuana and overthrowing nearly a century of failed American drug prohibition. Hail to the Golden State.

…California represents one-seventh of American marijuana consumption and has long been a first-mover in American cultural and political trends. (Edward Schumacher-Matos, Washington Post, 10/15/10)

So in defense of legalization of marijuana, Edward-o holds up California social norms as the ideal for the rest of the country. Think again, pal.  RedStateVT’s motto is: do the opposite of what California does. For heaven’s sake, even Eric Holder gets it:

The Department of Justice says it intends to prosecute marijuana laws in California aggressively even if state voters approve an initiative on the Nov. 2 ballot to legalize the drug. The announcement by Eric H. Holder Jr., the attorney general, was the latest reminder of how much of the establishment has lined up against the popular initiative… (NYT, 10/15/10)

Chris Dodd Could Not Be Reached For Comment
Angelo R. Mozilo, the former chief executive of Countrywide Financial, once the nation’s largest mortgage lender, agreed to pay $67.5 million on Friday to settle a civil fraud case brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission last year. (NYT, 10/15/10)

When a businessman with ties to Republicans is indicted or jailed, that point is all we hear about. Not so for friends of the Dems!

New York Times to Obama: You Lie
In speech after speech lately, President Obama has vowed to oppose a Republican proposal “to cut education by 20 percent,” a reduction that would “eliminate 200,000 children from Head Start programs” and “reduce financial aid for eight million college students.” Except that strictly speaking, the Republicans have made no such proposal. (NYT, 10/15/10)

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