Friday, October 15, 2010

My Name is Barney Frank and I Was Wrong

…Mr. Frank is conceding at long last that he missed the looming disasters at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. "I was late in seeing it, no question," he told the Boston Globe, though in his redoubtable fashion he also has an excuse. (WSJ, 10/15/10)

Separated at Birth
In a profile today on Republican John Boehner, the New York Times cannot help but mention that Boehner is a friend to lobbyists, smokes, plays a lot of golf and is a millionaire. RedStateVT pop quiz: who else do we know who is a friend to lobbyists, smokes, plays a lot of golf and is a millionaire?

Elect This Woman!
“My job is to create jobs,” he said, looking into the camera as he addressed a state burdened with the highest unemployment rate in the nation. “What she is talking about is extreme: We have to do it.”

Ms. Angle looked over at her opponent and also to the camera. “Harry Reid,” she said, “it’s not your job to create jobs. It’s your job to create policies that create confidence in the private sector so they can create jobs.” (NYT, 10/15/10)

Where are the Sisters?
RedStateVT asks: where are the feminists when Sarah Palin, Meg Whitman, Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell, and Linda McMahon are maliciously attacked?

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