Saturday, November 24, 2012

Public Opinion

Campaign Lowlights (Amended)
We re-post here RedStateVT's compilation of the worst moments from the 2012 campaign. Yes, we ARE over it, but we thought of a couple more and did not want them to go unstated. Dems will forever talk about the 'Willie Horton' ad, notwithstanding that George H.W. Bush had nothing whatsoever to do with it. Likewise, they will cry 'Swift Boat' against the Republicans, notwithstanding that fellow soldiers were deeply offended that Dems were running John Kerry as a war hero. Well, turnaround being fair play.... 

Obama's rebuke to entrepreneurs that they are not responsible for their success. ("You didn't build it.")

The Obama ad that accused Mitt Romney of killing a woman.

Harry Reid's unsubstantiated accusations that Mitt Romney paid no taxes.

The New York Times calling President Obama "seemingly unassailable" on foreign policy.

"Neutral" debate moderator Candy Crowley saving President Obama on Benghazi.

Chris Matthews divining racial taunts in ever utterance by a Romney supporter. ("Chicago!")

Joe Biden telling blacks that Romney was going to "put y'all back in chains."

Joe Biden's vile and despicable behavior during the entire vice-presidential debate.

Everything else that Chris Matthews said.

The pro-Obama ad that depicts a young woman equating voting for Obama with having sex with a cool guy.

The groundbreaking front page Washington Post expose on a possible bullying episode by Mitt Romney some 40+ years ago. (Pulitzer Prize for the Post?)

By The Way

Another list we vow to maintain and expand upon is the one which lists all the things that the media refused to  discuss about first-term Obama. Here's a start.

Closing Gitmo (a major plank of the 2008 campaign)

More golf than Bush
Fewer press conferences than Bush
$4/gallon gas (3x Bush prices)
Fast and Furious
Skipping National Security briefings
Transparency (prospective bills on the internet, etc.)
Growth of deficit
Unemployment rate
Weak GDP growth
Loss of AAA rating

Riding a wave of confidence after his re-election victory, President Obama is eager to collect scalps from the class war he appears to have won. Americans, Obama said in his postelection news conference earlier this month, "want to make sure that middle-class folks aren't bearing the entire burden and sacrifice when it comes to some of these big challenges. They expect that folks at the top are doing their fair share as well." 
Although Obama and his fellow Democrats repeatedly call on wealthier Americans to pay their "fair share," they never specify what percentage of the nation's tax burden the wealthy would have to bear. As matters stand, the top 1 percent of American households paid 39 percent of income taxes in 2009, according to the most recent data compiled by the Congressional Budget Office, and the top 5 percent of taxpayers paid 64 percent. (Washington Examiner, 11/22/2012)

As RedStateVT has concluded, the best strategic decision that Republicans can make is to give Obama what he claims he wants; higher taxes on the rich. Here is what will transpire. It will end this mind-numbing obsession of the Democrats, at least temporarily (allowing the media to focus more fully on the Benghazi cover-up...just kidding!). It will have no effect whatsoever on the economy. Obama will then have to call on the middle class to pay their "fair share." Voters will rebel and Dems will be voted out of office. 

Think big picture folks!

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