Friday, November 16, 2012

Defending The Republic

Our Favorite Moments From The Campaign (Just Kidding!) 

Obama's rebuke to entrepreneurs that they are not responsible for their success. ("You didn't build it.")

The Obama ad that accused Mitt Romney of killing a woman.

Harry Reid's unsubstantiated accusations that Mitt Romney paid no taxes.

The New York Times calling President Obama "seemingly unassailable" on foreign policy.

"Neutral" debate moderator Candy Crowley saving President Obama on Benghazi.

Chris Matthews divining racial taunts in ever utterance by a Romney supporter. ("Chicago!")

Joe Biden telling blacks that Romney was going to "put y'all back in chains."

Joe Biden's vile and despicable behavior during the entire vice-presidential debate. 

Everything else that Chris Matthews said.

Israel has a right to defend itself, but it’s hard to see how Wednesday’s operation could be the most effective way of advancing its long-term interests. It has provoked new waves of condemnation against Israel in Arab countries, including Egypt, whose cooperation is needed to enforce the 1979 peace treaty and support stability in Sinai. (New York Times editorial, 11/14/2012)

The Times affirms that Israel has the right to defend itself......a little bit.

Here is what you would have seen if you watched television last night...
Fox News - extensive coverage of the Benghazi scandal.
MSNBC - stories on Mitt Romney. Some may remember that Mitt Romney was NOT elected president last week. He is still big news though over at MSNBC. When MSNBC did get around to discussing Benghazi, it was to report that white male Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham were being unfair to female African American Susan Rice. We are not making this up. It's all gender and race to Liberals all the time. 

Two Times
For the second time in a week, the Obama administration said on Thursday that it was extending the deadline for states to decide whether they will establish and operate online markets where consumers can shop for health insurance under the new health care law. (NYT, 11/15/2012)

The devil is in the details, of course. One thought that we have had lately is that - given its enormity - the actual implementation of Obamacare just could be its undoing. Watch Democrat governors as they will be the canary in the coalmine on this one.

War On Women
Canadian women in the province of Quebec are doing their best to avoid long wait times for surgeries for deadly cancers, reports the Montreal Gazette. The problem is spread across provincial hospitals and doctors are now “refusing to accept new patients quickly because they can’t treat them.”

“Long surgery wait times for deadly ovarian, cervical and breast cancers in Quebec are three times longer than government benchmarks, leading some desperate patients to shop around for an operating room,” according to the Gazette. (, 11/16/2012)

Coming soon to America! (And sooner to Vermont!)

Fools In The Room
“You can tell that at that press conference yesterday — the most stupid, ludicrous, embarrassing questions from the court eunuchs. The idiot from The New York Times asking a question on global warming? Some giggly little schoolgirl from Chicago wetting her knickers, saying she’s watched Obama win every time?” 

“I mean, you’re supposed to be grown men and women,” Steyn continued. “You made fools of yourselves. He gives his first press conference in whatever it is — in one, two, three, twelve years — and you don’t even think about extracting any meaningful information from him.” (, 11/16/2012)

The great Mark Steyn. We guess this is the press giving Obama another honeymoon.

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