Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wild World

Killing In The Name Of
The skies over at least six countries are patrolled by robotic aircraft, operated by the U.S. military or the CIA, that fire missiles to carry out targeted assassinations. I am convinced that this method of waging war is cost-effective but not that it is moral..... First, there’s the practical question of whether killing terrorists in this manner creates new ones. (Eugene Robinson, Washington Post, 6/30/2011) 

Special thanks to Robinson for reminding us of this old chestnut of liberal illogic.  Essentially, America should not defend itself because its enemies will not like it.  And thinking back, did killing Nazis create more or less Nazis?  (Answer next week.)

Assets and Liabilities
The Taliban’s greatest asset has been its ability to provide quick justice in a country shattered by war and corruption. (David Ignatius, Washington Post, 6/30/2011)

Kept reading this Ignatius piece waiting for him to say: But, of course, the Taliban's form of justice was barbaric.  Surprise!  He never says it.  Guess he is OK with the stoning and cutting off of hands and feet.

The Defense of Marriage Act was enacted in 1996 as an election-year wedge issue, signed by President Bill Clinton in one of his worst policy moments. (NYT editorial, 7/3/2011)

It was good to be reminded that it was a DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT who signed the law which defined marriage as between a man and a woman.

Meanwhile, New York Times issue watch: Five gay-themed articles today.

Your Tax Dollars
At some point, the NEA is likely to endorse Mr. Obama, as the union has never endorsed a Republican.....The unions don't like the administration's embrace of charter schools—public schools run by non-government entities—or its support for the dismissal of ineffective teachers in low-performing schools.  (WSJ, 7/30/2011)

Another union controlled by the Democrats.  And why not, the Dems are not going to force teacher accountability.

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