Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting in Tune to the Straight and Narrow

The United States Supreme Court now sees its central task as comforting the already comfortable and afflicting those already afflicted.  If you are a large corporation or a political candidate backed by lots of private money, be assured that the court’s conservative majority will be there for you, solicitous of your needs and ready to swat away those pesky little people who dare to contest your power.  (E.J. Dionne Jr, Washington Post, 6/29/2011)

So E.J. thinks the conservatives are in the pocket of Corporate America.  Let's see now...what conflicts of interest might the Court's liberal minority have?  Hmmm....  Who was it that served as General Counsel of the ACLU?  That's right, it was Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

Around Town
Vermont's GOP is hot on the story of local businesses afraid to expand given the climate of uncertainty resulting from the policies of Governor Shumlin and the Progressive mafia.  Shumlin continues to stick his thumb in the eye of the state's largest employer, IBM. He has told IBM that they aren't getting the Circ Highway; that he is closing Vermont Yankee, the main provider of IBM's cheap and reliable power; and finally, forget the IBM group medical plan, they are getting single-payer.  Now that's how you support the business community!

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