Friday, July 29, 2011


Officials and aides said opponents had multiple misgivings about the measure, which Senate Democrats had already said they would reject as soon as it reached the Senate desk. (NYT, 7/29/2011)

Who exactly is rejectionist?  Who is intransigent?

Proud Of It
Arthur May, a laid-off computer programmer in this proudly liberal suburb of Boston, has been watching the showdown over the federal debt ceiling with growing revulsion — aimed mostly at Republicans. (NYT, 7/29/2011)

In a jaw-dropping article in today's Times, we learn that residents of Barney Frank's district - 80% of whom voted for Obama - are furious with Republicans.  Folks, we are in Pulitizer Prize territory here with this type of inciteful reporting.

Threat Level
I can think of no greater threat to our nation’s prospects than the GOP’s policy-by-anecdote crusade against government. The United States is falling behind other nations in infrastructure, education and health-care indicators such as infant mortality and life expectancy. (Eugene Robinson, Washington Post, 7/29/2011)

And yet - ironically - the Democrat strategy on any issue is exactly 'policy-by-anecdote.'  Witness: Why must healthcare be reformed?  Why it is because poor Susie Sadsack had a claim denied by her mean old insurance company.

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