Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Cult Classic
This intellectual rigidity has produced a GOP presidential field that’s a virtual political Jonestown. The Grand Old Party, so named when it really did evoke America, has so narrowed its base that it has become a political cult. (Richard Cohen, Washington Post, 7/5/2011)

This one is too easy, even by the low standards of Cohen.  Cohen calls the GOP a cult because of pledges against taxes, abortion and global warming.  While the Dems pledge for taxes, abortion and global warming. This column would not get a passing grade in a high school political science discussion.  Actually, it might given the mindset of the teachers unions.  Now that is a cult!

All The President's Men
The report was written by the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, a group of three economists who were all handpicked by Obama, and it chronicles the alleged success of the “stimulus” in adding or saving jobs. The council reports that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job. (The Weekly Standard, 7/3/2011)

Ooops!  Now Paul Krugman is going to have to retract dozens of columns.

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