Thursday, August 5, 2010

In A Word

The United Nations peacekeeping force in South Lebanon, Unifil, said on Wednesday it had concluded that Israeli forces were cutting trees that lay within their own territory before a lethal exchange of fire with Lebanese Army troops on Tuesday, largely vindicating Israel’s account of how the fighting started. (NYT, 8/4/10)

Count RedStateVT as shocked by this one. The UN – coddlers of dictators and terrorists – finds in favor of the Middle East’s only democracy.

"There is no credible argument to be made that the purpose of government is to borrow from future generations of Americans to finance an extension of tax cuts for the top 2 percent," Geithner said., saying such a move would amount to "a $700 billion fiscal mistake." (Washington Post, 8/5/10)

Funny Geithner should use these words. Some would say that Obama’s stimulus plan borrowed from future generations of Americans and was a $787 billion fiscal mistake!


Last night Bill O’Reilly interviewed an ACLU lawyer on the subject of the military’s predator drone attacks on Al Qaeda. The transcript of the interview is not yet up on O’Reilly’s website, but look for it if you want to see just how unhinged the ACLU has become.

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