Monday, August 2, 2010

Here's the Reason

But for months Republicans have also been arguing that the chief threat to the economy is our gargantuan debt and deficit. That's what's scaring consumers, creditors and businesses. Yet given a chance to address those fears by getting serious about deficit reduction, they run away. (Fareed Zakaria, Wasington Post, 8/2/10)

For RedStateVT, the issue of taxes comes down to the issue of trust. Put simply, we have minimal trust in the politicians who make the decisions on how to spend the money entrusted to them. We believe that they stand a better chance of making good decisions if they are given fewer dollars. The long track record of “bridges to nowhere” and other pet projects of politicians makes the case. Zakaria is naive to think that given billions of dollars of additional tax revenues, Democrats would use the money to pay down the deficit.

Late Again
It turns out it will take weeks longer to select, screen and train the 1,200 National Guard troops the Obama administration had said would be deployed on Aug. 1 along the border from California to Texas. (NYT, 8/2/10)

Is RedStateVT the only major media outlet to notice that the Obama administration can’t seem to meet a deadline? Even when they set the timetable, there always seems to be an excuse as to why they need an extension.

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