Sunday, August 8, 2010

Flawed Strategery

In interviews, mailings and television ads, Democratic candidates are once again hauling out the specter of the former president to use as a foil. Nearly two years after he left office and virtually disappeared from public view, Bush -- his image, his policies, his legacy -- are being dragged back into the public arena. (Washington Post, 8/6/10)

Seems to us this strategy is a loser for Dems in two possible ways. (Hence, we love it!) First, some of the folks are going to ask – heck, they are already asking - when Obama and the Dems are going to take responsibility. You own it, stop blaming everyone else. Other folks are going to get sentimental and nostalgic for the good old days when George Bush was president. History will treat him more kindly and that is going to start sooner rather than later. So, by all means, go ahead and invoke W!

If Only
This is Biden's response to American economic anxiety: If Democrats had even greater control in Washington -- even larger influence than holding the presidency and both houses of Congress -- they would have spent more than $862 billion on the stimulus. Rather than allaying the fiscal concerns of independents, Biden is actively feeding these fears -- thereby making the case for the moderating effects of divided government. (Michael Gerson, Washington Post , 8/5/10)

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