Sunday, February 17, 2013

Vast Proportion

And it has claimed the political career of an ambitious cabinet minister, Chris Huhne, a Liberal Democrat who resigned his position as energy and climate change secretary in Prime Minister David Cameron’s coalition government and his parliamentary seat.  (NYT, 2/16/2013)

Britain has a Secretary of Climate Change? Don't tell Liberals in the U.S.!

Watching The Detectives
Sandwiched between two doctors’ offices at a roadside plaza here is the headquarters of a small team of veteran Republican investigators, operating almost as a private detective squad, who since late last year have had a determined goal: bringing down Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey. (NYT, 2/16/2013)

"Inquiry on Senator Started with a Partisan Push" is the headline. Yes, in the end they found some icky stuff on Menendez, but the real story - the Times tell us - is that the inquiry was initiated by Republicans. Never mind that Democrats sent plane loads of lawyers up to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin. The Times - you might also remember - is the same newspaper that encouraged readers to pour through the very same Sarah Palin's e-mails and report anything interesting that they find.

German politicians decided it would be nice if 35% of the country's electricity came from renewables by 2020. German politicians, after Fukushima, decided it would be nice to phase out the country's nuclear plants. German politicians decided factories should be protected from any increase in electricity prices. In their home districts, politicians thought "factory" should be extended to cover any large and influential employer.

Now the green future has arrived and German voters are in revolt over rising power prices. "Fuel poverty" has become a buzz term as thousands have been shut off for nonpayment of bills. Politicians have begun trying to claw back subsidies from companies that say the subsidies are the only reason they're in business. A scandal seems to emerge weekly over some big-name company illicitly benefiting from subsidized electricity rates. (Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., WSJ, 2/15/2013)

There is a line of thinking among conservatives depressed about the re-election of Obama and the further implementation of his Liberal agenda that says not to worry, Liberal policies are flawed and they will implode. Be it the rising cost estimates for Obamacare, the moribund domestic economy or worsening relations with Russia, there is plenty of evidence to support this position. 

Meanwhile, the German example shows Vermonters what their energy future will be:

The Shumlin administration wants 75 percent of the state’s power to come from renewables by 2032. Electricity from Hydro-Quebec would account for 40 percent of that total. (, 5/3/2012)

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