Sunday, February 24, 2013

Different This Time

At 11:42 a.m. on Feb. 14, a conservative online magazine called The Washington Free Beacon posted a dispatch about a speech Chuck Hagel gave in 2007 in which it said he called the State Department “an adjunct to the Israeli foreign minister’s office.” (NYT, 2/23/2013)

The Times writes an article on Michael Goldfarb from the Free Beacon website which RedStateVT periodically references. In the relatively brief article they manage to use the word "conservative" six times. We also learn that Goldfarb is a "blowtorch" and a "flamethrower." (What's the difference?) He engages in "weaponized journalism." He is a "hawkish magnet." Oh, and he studied "war history" in college. 

Just another day of objective journalism at the New York Times. 

Next up, a profile of MSNBC host and Obama consigliere, Rev Al Sharpton, in which no mention will be made of Tawana Brawley, Freddie's Fashion Mart or those pesky tax issues. 

Idea Man
The idea for sequestration did come from the White House, as news accounts made clear at the time. Jacob J. Lew, then Mr. Obama’s budget director and now his nominee for Treasury secretary, was the main proponent. 
“The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed,” he (Obama) said. “It is something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen.” (NYT, 2/23/2013)

So because the public record is irrefutable, the New York Times now admits that sequestration came from Obama. And Obama then denying it means that he is a liar. 

Isn't this big news?

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