Wednesday, July 18, 2012

High On A Hill

Presidential Campaign Recap
President Barack Obama and his photogenic wife Michelle took in a basketball game with daughters Sasha and Malia. The First Family was a picture of domestic bliss, highlighted when Barack smooched Michelle on the arena's "Kiss Cam." The audience roared its approval for such an extended period that on-court officials were forced to temporarily delay the resumption of the game. The President was invited to shoot free throws at halftime and hit nine out of ten causing announcers to ponder what would have happened had Obama followed his love of basketball and pursued a pro career.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney continued to defend his record at Bain Capital where he is alleged to have committed felonious acts, pillaged the coffers of companies he invested in and outsourced jobs to Third World sweatshops.

Imagine if you will that President George W. Bush was discovered to have been overseeing a secret CIA-sponsored program of assassinating Islamic militants. Bush's involvement went so far that he was personally picking the targets of these assassinations. You know what the reaction would be: an immediate call for Congressional hearings, demands from Bernie Sanders for Bush's impeachment and wall-to-wall ceaseless news coverage.

And yet we have Obama - not Bush - pulling the strings on these drone strikes and ..... that's right, deafening silence. (Don't get us wrong. We support drone strikes on Islamic terrorists!)

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