Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Land of Make-Believe

And-a One
Liberal New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman writes yesterday of the various failed Al Qaeda bombing plots over the past couple of years. For nine paragraphs he reviews the incidents and then opines that the U.S. was very lucky and that we must remain vigilant. That would have been a reasonable, though not terribly insightful, column. But, of course, you know Friedman could not leave it there. At the very end he drops this on us:

And that means working to end our addiction to oil. It is disgusting to listen to Republican politicians lecturing President Obama about how he has to stay the course in Afghanistan while they don’t have an ounce of courage to vote to increase the gasoline tax or renewable energy standards that would reduce the money we’re sending to the people our soldiers are fighting.

And there you have it. The liberal answer to terrorism: raise taxes and more windmills!

And-a Two
Liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof was also at it yesterday. His column concludes that because of the income disparity between the top and bottom strata of the country, the U.S. is a “banana republic.” His recipe includes more government programs and, yep, you guessed it: more taxes on the wealthy! Liberals always assume that wealth results from a crime and so their answer is always to punish those who have done well. Funny how liberals are ready to conclude that global warming is “settled science” but refuse to recognize that after 70 years or more of income redistribution in this country, more income redistribution is not the answer. As RedStateVT often responds to those who bemoan their economic situation: “you should have studied harder in school.”

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