Sunday, November 21, 2010

If We Told You

RedStateVT Predicts...
Former Senator Carol Moseley Braun entered the race for Chicago mayor on Saturday by reintroducing herself to voters, some of whom were not born when she last won election in 1992. (NYT, 11/21/10)

The Obama administration will enlist former President Bill Clinton to dissuade Braun from running, thereby clearing the field for Rahm Emanuel.

Medical Mystery
Saudi Arabia's elderly monarch will travel to the U.S. to seek medical care after being hospitalized late last week, according to a statement released by his palace on Sunday. (WSJ, 11/21/10)

Now wait just a minute here! The Saudi king has all the money in the world. Why did he not seek treatment in Cuba…or Canada…or some other country where we have been told by the Left that health care is so much better? Why is he coming to the U.S., a health care backwater?  Call Michael Moore. Call Nancy Pelosi.  RedStateVT demands answers.

Told Ya So
Consumer advocates fear that the health care law could worsen some of the very problems it was meant to solve — by reducing competition, driving up costs and creating incentives for doctors and hospitals to stint on care, in order to retain their cost-saving bonuses. (NYT, 11/21/10)

Has anyone heard a story yet where the health care bill has resulted in lower costs? So far all we'ver heard is that it plugged the "donut hole" and adult children get to stay on their parents' plan (much to the chagrin of parents everywhere).

Bribegate II
President Obama's nominee for a high-level United Nations reform position dropped out of the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania last year shortly after Sen. Arlen Specter switched parties and won an endorsement from the White House. (, 11/20/10)

At what point do coincidences become corruption?

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