Monday, September 13, 2010

Tell the Truth

During the Bush years, there was a reluctance on the left to acknowledge that the administration could have done anything worthwhile to counter terrorism. The far greater problem is on the right, where it has become an article of faith that we are gravely threatened by vast swarms of Islamic terrorists, many within the country.

This campaign to spread a sense of imminent danger has fueled a climate of fear and anger. It has created suspicions about U.S. Muslims -- who are more assimilated than in any other country in the world. Ironically, this is precisely the intent of terrorism. Bin Laden knew he could never weaken America directly, even if he blew up a dozen buildings or ships. But he could provoke an overreaction by which America weakened itself. (Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post, 9/13/10)

Zakaria asks whether we are safer now than pre-9/11. He gives props to Bush, but then concludes that America has over-reacted and this, in turn, puts the country at risk. So here’s RedStateVT’s question to Mr. Zakaria: given the difficulty (impossibility?) of getting it just right. Is it better for America to over-react or to under-react to the continuing threat of Islamic jihadism? Before you answer, remember that if we get it wrong and under-react we are dead.

In a blathering 9/13 Washington Post piece about - well, it doesn’t really matter whatRedStateVT target E. J. Dionne Jr. comments as follows:

"As moderate Republicans, Snowe and Collins are undoubtedly looking over their right shoulders….. (our emphasis)"

This is a common liberal trick; to describe Republicans-in-Name-Only like Snowe and Collins as moderates. Ironically, they also describe Obama as a moderate.

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