Sunday, September 19, 2010

Let's Move On

Castle's defeat at the hands of Christine O’Donnell, a perennial candidate who may be the least qualified Senate nominee anywhere in the country, does indeed mark the collapse of the Republican Party not only of Nelson Rockefeller and Tom Dewey but also of Bob Dole and Howard Baker. (E.J. Dionne Jr, Washington Post, 9/16/10)

OK, we get it. After 147 articles on the subject, the Washington Post has concluded that moderate Republicans have now been obliterated. RedStateVT repeats – for the 147th time that the Washington Post’s definition of a moderate Republican is one who votes with the Democrats. We also conclude that the Democrat Party has been taken over by left wing extremists. (Note the irony of E.J. concluding that O’Donnell is the least qualified Senate nominee. Reminds us of a “least qualified” Presidential nominee.)

The battering of the primary campaign, including a raft of ads highlighting her failure to pay nearly $12,000 in federal taxes in 2005 and her default on house payments in 2007, also appears to have tarnished her reputation among general-election voters. (WSJ, 9/18/10)

So this is the rap on Christine O’Donnell. Well RedStateVT recalls that the current Secretary of the Treasury had a little problem with his taxes and the current President was involved in a shady real estate deal in Chicago. Didn’t hurt them.

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