Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Answers

It’s All About
The former Clinton aides, like many pundits, turned to Mr. Obama’s cool, cerebral public style. Emotional connection was an aspect of leadership at which Mr. Clinton, for better or worse, excelled. If only Mr. Obama could more effectively demonstrate empathy, they argued, he might be able to convince the supporters he thrilled in 2008 that he’s still on their side. That observation has gained wide acceptance in Washington. Mr. Obama may have played like a rock star in the campaign arenas of 2008, according to this view, but he displays a Spock-like emotional aridity in more intimate settings. In reality, however, a look back at previous midterm elections, especially during economic weakness, suggests that dollars and cents matter far more than hugs or lip-biting. (NYT, 9/26/10)

Dems are torturing themselves trying to figure out why Obama’s ratings (and Presidency) are tanking. So far we’ve had: it’s his style, he’s too brainy. Now we get: it’s an historic mid-term thing.  How about this one? The majority of the American people reject his policies.

Party Of
He (Karl Rove) has had a major hand in helping to summon the old coalition of millionaires and billionaires who supported Mr. Bush and have huge financial stakes in regulatory and tax policy…..(NYT, 9/26/10)

In an article on Karl Rove, the deceitful New York Times continues to paint the Republican Party as the party of the rich. Well Democrats have their own “millionaires and billionaires” including Jon Corzine, Peter Lewis and that other guy….what’s his name? Oh, that’s right, George Soros.

If You Can’t Win On
Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to discredit their opponents and save their Congressional majority. (NYT, 9/25/10)

Unable to run on their…..accomplishments, Dems take the low road.

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