Saturday, March 20, 2010


On the eve of the final (?) vote on the Democrats' health care bill, it is worth pointing out the obvious. Barack Obama has been exposed, once and for all and indisputably, as just another politician. All those who lauded him as something new, something different, can no longer make that claim. By pushing this bill he demonstrates that he is an ideologue, not the pragmatist that he would have you believe. He is hyper-partisan, not bi-partisan. His idea of working with Republicans is that the other side should embrace what he is selling. He is as evasive as any other politician, not a convincing and articulate orator. For evidence, listen most recently to the Fox News/ Bret Baier interview. Obama will say one thing when it serves his interests and the exact opposite when the situation changes. See his comments on reconciliation. Obama is what he is – an inexperienced junior senator who is in way over his head. If Republicans can take anything out of this year long health care fiasco, it is this: win or lose, Obama has crippled the Democrat Party. Payback will come in November.

RedStateVT is currently reading Michelle Malkin’s best seller: Culture of Corruption which exposes the underside of Obama and the Chicago political machine. It is not a pretty picture.

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