Sunday, February 14, 2010


The liberal media’s obsession with Sarah Palin continues. For someone who they blithely dismiss as a lightweight, they sure devote a lot of ink to her. Perhaps because they are running out of names to call her, they are making up ever more creative put-downs. Writing in the Washington Post, Eugene Robinson (WP, 2/14/2010) describes Palin as an “elitist.” Come again? That strikes RedStateVT as akin to saying Dick Cheney wasn’t tough enough on terrorists! Robinson is going to have a hard time selling that characterization.

In another Palin put-down article, New York Times lib Frank Rich takes a timeout to mix in some harsh words for President Obama, in a sign of the increasing dissatisfaction on the left:

The Obama White House remains its own worst enemy. No sooner did Palin’s Tea Party speech end than we learned of the president’s tone-deaf interview expressing admiration for “very savvy businessmen” like Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. (Frank Rich, NYT, 2/13/2010)

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