Wednesday, February 3, 2010


RedStateVT asks: when will the mainstream media write the story that the Obama presidency is floundering? (Adrift or unraveling will also work as descriptors). If this were any other president that story line would be everywhere. It does not even take a partisan observer to make the case. The facts speak for themselves:

--A highly divisive attempt to change the very nature of health care in this country, characterized by backroom deals and political bribes.

--Stunning political defeats in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts – even after Obama campaigns.

--National security confusion including where and how to try 9/11 conspirators and now the revelations that the handling of the Christmas bomber was botched.

The list goes on. Obama purports to have heard that Americans are concerned more about jobs and deficits than global warming. And so he packs his State of the Union address with references to these topics. But now, one week later, what is the new hot button issue from Team Obama? Gays in the military! This is a presidency that has lost its way.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky for him he's such a gifted speaker and so fast on his feet. Otherwise a filibuster proof Republican senatorial slate would be running unopposed right now.
