Sunday, January 3, 2010

Viewed in Profile

Newt Gingrich is among those who are calling for profiling of airline passengers in the wake of the recent attempted airline bombing in Detroit. (To her credit, Ann Coulter has never stopped calling for profiling). The rationale for profiling is obvious. The group most likely to try to blow up an airplane has consistently been found to be young male Muslims. Needless to say the Political Correctness crowd finds the singling out of any racial group or minority group such as young male Muslims to be offensive, unnecessary, ineffective, etc.

All of which got RedStateVT thinking. It seems that the PC cartel doesn’t want any minority group singled out UNLESS a member of that group is a victim! In that case, they want the group to have special rights. Which is why they want so-called hate crimes laws for an offense against every possible aggrieved minority.

So we cannot protect the general public from the dangers posed by a minority group criminal, but we can enact special protections for the minority group victim. Something doesn’t seem quite right about this.

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