Saturday, January 30, 2010

Precious Moments

Tony Blair’s Margaret Thatcher Moment
Star witness Tony Blair took the stand today in Britain's ongoing inquiry into why Britain joined the U.S.-led war in Iraq….A crowd of some 300 protesters had gathered at the front of the building, waving placards declaring "B-Liar" and shouted "Blair lied, thousands died."…. Their drumming and shouts for justice could be heard inside the chamber. But if they were hoping for a mea culpa moment, they were bound for disappointment…..Blair stubbornly defended his decision to back the U.S. invasion. "The decision I took -- and frankly would take again -- was: if there was any possibility that [Saddam Hussein] could develop weapons of mass destruction, we would stop him. It was my view then and that is my view now." (AOLNEWS.COM, 1/29/10)

Blair again proves himself to be a stand-up guy!

Osama Bin Laden’s Al Gore Moment
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has called for the world to boycott American goods and the dollar, blaming the U.S. and other industrialized countries for global warming, according to a new audiotape released Friday. (AP, 1/29/10)

If we are down to global warming, it seems to RedStateVT that Bin Laden is running out of things to complain about!

Barack Obama’s Bill Clinton Moment
"The notion that this (the stimulus bill) was a radical package is just not true," Mr. Obama said. "I am not an ideologue." (WSJ, 1/29/10)

That depends upon what the definition of “ideologue” is!

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