Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weekend Grab Bag

Barack Obama: Deficit Hawk
President Barack Obama plans to announce in next year's State of the Union address that he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal deficit in 2010 – and will downplay other new domestic spending beyond jobs programs, according to top aides involved in the planning. (, 11/13/2009)

Notwithstanding the "too cool for school" guise that the White House put on the recent election results, it turns out that Obama may have been watching after all. RedStateVT believes that Democrats will get hammered at the polls next year over runaway spending. And so the Spender-in-Chief is now forced to begin redefining himself. Good luck, we don't think Americans are going to buy it (pun intended).

Hope Eric Holder Doesn't Find Out!
Federal prosecutors have taken steps to seize four U.S. mosques and a Manhattan skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government. (, 11/13/2009)

Gore Redux
As a followup to RedStateVT's recent post (Al's Gored, 11/6/2009) we note the following from the 11/11/2009 column by WSJ opinion writer Holman Jenkins (one of our favorites!) on Enviro-Al: When so much of his position and prestige are invested in a predicted climate crisis, is Mr. Gore likely to be open to contrary evidence? Is he likely to be particularly fastidious about whether proposed steps will actually have an effect on global warming if they also happen to benefit his investments?

Good questions indeed!

Local Scene
The Vermont Gubernatorial race is getting started and we got a chuckle out of the Vermont Republican Party's characterization of the ever increasing roster of opposing candidates: What doesn't bode well for the Democrats is the 5 person (plus Anthony Polina?) "who's the biggest moonbat" catfight that's about to ensue. Get your popcorn ready.

For some, the biggest sin in Vermont politics is not being liberal enough!

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