Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Headline You Won't See

Wall Street Billionaire Defeated in Governor Race!
It was actually a bit disconcerting to watch (now outgoing) New Jersey Governor Corzine clinging to President Obama during their campaign appearances. Corzine looked like a drowning swimmer desperately trying to stay afloat. Along with the Republican victory in Virginia, Dem candidates in 2010 are now going to have to think long and hard about their campaign strategies. (See RedStateVT's 10/30/09 post: Thanks, But No Thanks).

Dem spin points to exit polling which purports to show that voters were responding to local issues and that they didn't consider the elections to be about Obama. In that case, we urge the Obamacrat party to stay the course! (And by the way, we can't wait for 2010...)

Other Election Notes
How would one categorize a politician who supported gay marriage, abortion, and the Obama stimulus plan and who endorsed the Democrat candidate in a local election? Well the New York Times would call that politician a "moderate Republican." We would call that person (Dede Scozzafava, by the way) an Arlen Specter Democrat. Of course, the agenda of the New York Times was to paint Conservative Doug Hoffman as an extremist and the way to do that is to label Scozzafava as a moderate.

RedStateVT got a real kick out of the feigned detachment of the White House this election cycle. Obama was said to not be following the results all that closely (even after making campaign appearances with both losing candidates). Previously Obama was also described as vaguely aware of the flap with Fox News (orchestrated by his inner circle of advisors). This is the same Obama who never heard his pastor make incendiary racial remarks. Doesn't this guy ever pay attention?

The New York Times also reported the following this morning regarding the defeat of same-sex marriage in Maine: "With the repeal, Maine became the 31st state to reject same-sex marriage at the ballot box. Five other states — Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire and Vermont — have legalized same-sex marriage, but only through court rulings and legislative action." It appears that voters consistently support traditional values, unlike judges and politicians.

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