Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama: All Straw Men, All the Time

The Best of Coulter (This Week)
Successful countries must allow themselves to be overrun by backward cultures so that no country thinks it's better than another....While liberals' idea of retaliation is to post the French flag on their Twitter profiles, Republicans think the way to get tough is to go to war in Syria. ...The West's importation of Stone Age people is a completely self-inflicted wound. (Ann, 11/18/2015)

Plowed Under
Asked whether Mr. Obama had underestimated the Islamic State when he referred to the group as the “J.V. team,” Mrs. Clinton said, “I don’t think it’s useful to go back and replow old ground.” (New York Times, 11/20/2015)

She then said "Mission Accomplished" fourteen times.

Not Good with Numbers
University of Vermont economist Art Woolf has suggested that Vermont could accept as many as 5,000 Syrian refugees. When asked if he thinks the state can support that number, Shumlin said, “I’m not an expert on the numbers, I know that Vermont can take more than seven.” (, 11/17/2015)

Shumlin - self-proclaimed non-expert on number (see his budget) - waves in Syrian refugees including embedded ISIS terrorists. We're guessing they are not going to be housed next door to him in Montpelier.

...the president repeated his promise to “provide refuge to at least 10,000 refugees fleeing violence in Syria” after passing “the highest” security checks. (New York Times, 11/20/2015)

Of course, Obama didn't give a d**n about the Syrians when Assad was gassing them. Now he is Mr. Compassion and Republicans concerned about terrorists leaking in are the evil ones. There has NEVER been a president as duplicitous as Obama. 

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