Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Three Step Plan

1) No more of this Diversity crap. 

Diversity is not a strength it is a weakness. We want stronger American values, not Third World values. If you say "Diversity is a Strength" you get a warning. If you say it a second time, you get fined. Third time: jail time. 

2) Assimilation.

You must learn and speak English. No more "Press 2 for Spanish." You must take a course in U.S. History and the Constitution. Passing grade is 75.

3) U.S. Borders are closed. 

For 5 years. As Ann Coulter says: "America needs a little me time." We'll spend that time enforcing Steps 1 and 2 above and deporting those who should be deported. (Which may include people who have appeared on MSNBC.) Those who self-deport will be given a present: a copy of the U.S. Constitution to take back to their country of origin. This is how America will sow the seeds of democracy. 

You're welcome. 

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