Monday, October 12, 2015

Wait! We thought Bernie Sanders was an Independent

Mr. Obama angrily rejected the idea that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is challenging American leadership by using fighter jets and missiles in Syria.

“If you think that running your economy into the ground and having to send troops in, in order to prop up your only ally, is leadership, then we’ve got a different definition of leadership,” Mr. Obama said. He added later: “The fact that they had to do this is not an indication of strength.” (New York Times, 10/12/2015)

This is the essence of Obama's worldview: a strong military does not equate to strength. In a world of dangerous characters: ISIS, Putin, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-whoever. Obama's weapon of choice to combat these dangerous foes is his own self-righteous oratory. How's that working for him?

CNN's Anderson Cooper will moderate the first Democratic presidential debate this week, and unlike the previous Republican debate hosted by CNN, Cooper said he won't be encouraging confrontations between the candidates.

"I'm always uncomfortable with that notion of setting people up in order to kind of promote some sort of a face off," Cooper said Sunday on CNN's "Reliable Sources." "Look, these are all serious people. This is a serious debate. They want to talk about the issues and I want to give them an opportunity to do that."

Cooper's suggested style is a departure from the GOP debate hosted by CNN and moderated by Jake Tapper in September. Before that debate, Tapper had said he was "trying to craft questions that, in most cases, pit candidates against the other." (, 10/12/2015)

Republican candidates are asked to spell the names of the every world leader, to critique Donald Trump and to confess their experiences with illicit drugs. But Democrats are serious people, so AC360 will take a different approach and allow them to "talk about the issues." Is he still mad at Republicans about that whole gay marriage thing?

There is no LIBERAL media bias. 

Other reporters and Clinton associates have remarked upon Clinton’s remarkable ability to not sweat, even when working the rope line on a hot Iowa day. “I don’t mean sweat because you’re nervous,” said host Tracy Clayton. “I just mean physically. I’m genuinely curious what your deodorant is.” (, 10/2015)

Ann Coulter once noted that Republican candidates have to memorize the names of the past three leaders of Swaziland. The Clintons are asked about their underwear and deodorant choices.

There is no LIBERAL media bias. 

Civil Servant
“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.
“F— off,” she replied. (, 10/10/2015)

Meanwhile, the LIBERAL media takedown of Carly Fiorina is in full swing.

Feel the Burn
In Debate Preview, Bernie Sanders Criticizes Hillary Clinton for Iraq Vote (New York Times headline, 10/11/2015)

Bernie gets dirty!

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