Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blame Game

Mr. Harper-Mercer collected handguns and rifles, and he regularly went to a shooting range with his mother, said neighbors in Torrance, Calif., where the two lived until moving to Oregon in 2013. ....“She said, ‘My son is dealing with some mental issues, and the roaches are really irritating him’.... (New York Times, 10/3/2015)

Where have we heard this before? If you said: Sandy Hook, you would be correct. Adam Lanza's mother, knowing full well that he had serious mental health issues, nonetheless tried to bond with him over guns. It killed her and some twenty-six others. Nancy Lanza knew her son was sick, allowed him access to guns and even went shooting with him. The truth is that her incomprehensibly poor judgment was a major - if not the major - cause of the Sandy Hook killings. And now Laurel Harper appears to have acted in a similarly irresponsible manner and once again we have a terrible tragedy. 

Blame the guns if you want, we blame the moms. 

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