Friday, June 27, 2014

Easy Prey

Back Court
The court ruled that the president’s action violated the Constitution and said that the Senate and House have the ultimate power to block such recess appointments by scheduling the mini-sessions when they want to. (New York Times, 6/27/2014)

Former constitutional law professor Barack H. Obama is rebuked by SCOTUS. We do not know how the individual Supreme Court justices opined because in twenty-three paragraphs the New York Times does not say. 

Oh, the decision was unanimous. Ouch!

Apparently the story was not really big news, because the Times puts it fourth....after a story on a Ukrainian trade deal.

New York moved last week to join 22 states in legalizing medical marijuana for patients with a diverse array of debilitating ailments, encompassing epilepsy and cancer, Crohn’s disease and Parkinson’s. Yet there is no rigorous scientific evidence that marijuana effectively treats the symptoms of many of the illnesses for which states have authorized its use. (New York Times, 6/27/2014)

The same Liberals who argue that climate change is settled science agitate for medical the absence of scientific studies. If we can't trust them on the latter, why should we trust them on the former?

Shumlin Wants Your Stuff
Overheard at a local marina: Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin sits in the back seat of his hulking black solar-powered SUV. Admiring a particular boat he jokes with its owner saying that the state may have to commandeer the vessel for the day. Funny stuff.... Until one remembers the last time that Shumlin coveted private property. Namely the land of his beleaguered neighbor. Only the light of day was able to expose Shumlin's attempt to swindle his fellow Vermonter. Our advice to the intrepid mariner: Head out of port and don't look back!


  1. I spy with my little eye a grammatical error....tsk tsk! Was Shumlin joking with "it is" owner or "its" owner?
