Wednesday, October 17, 2012

En Masse

Apparently was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama. 

If these are truly undecided voters, they're apparently undecided between Obama and the Green Party. (John Nolte,, 10/16/2012)

That's kind of the way it looked to us as well. Republicans continue to put themselves into these situations with 'impartial moderators' and 'undecided voters.' They should absolutely insist that the next debate moderator be Rush Limbaugh.

The public is skeptical about ObamaCare. Mr. Obama doesn't help by trying to low-key it. That just reinforces the impression that his reason for seeking office in the first place was to enact policies he wants that the public doesn't. (Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., WSJ, 10/17/2012)

Obamacare gets little mention in the debates and in Obama's re-election efforts. Why? It's his signature piece of legislation and the public does not like it.

And Mr. Romney had more bad moments than the president, particularly when he challenged Mr. Obama’s claim that he early on called the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a terrorist attack, and Ms. Crowley backed Mr. Obama’s version of events. Mr. Romney stammered a bit after that, blinked as the president spoke and never quite got back on a steady, confident foot. (NYT, 10/17/2012)

Once again the New York Times writes its own unique version of history. Yes, Crowley did back Obama, but very soon after the debate she walked it back. The Times doesn't mention this minor detail. And second, the Benghazi discussion happened at the end of the when is it exactly that Romney 'never quite got back on a steady, confident foot?'

The troubled battery maker A123 Systems filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday, dealing a blow to the Obama administration’s program to jump-start a domestic battery industry and spur development of electric vehicles. (NYT, 10/16/2012)

Someday someone will find a way to store electric power for long periods, and someday someone may build a commercially viable electric car. We will be the first to cheer.  But the second to last people in the world to know when that day arrives will work for the Department of Energy, and the last will be U.S. Senators. In 2008 President Obama sold voters a fairy tale about millions of "green jobs" that he could conjure up merely by "investing" taxpayer money. The 2012 election is in part a referendum on whether Americans can be fooled again. (WSJ, 10/17/2012)

Green energy is a sinkhole. There somebody said it. 

President Obama is in denial on the subject even as one company after another fails. His speeches and ads continue to tout green. One criticism that we have of Mitt Romney is that he pays slight homage by including green energy in his overall energy policy. He should just say: 'Let the private sector finance green energy if they want, I am cutting off all government funding.'

RedStateVT returns in one week for our election countdown!

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