Friday, September 28, 2012

RedStateVT Works To Make Government More Efficient

Watching President Obama's recent address to the United Nations it occurred to RedStateVT that the endless attempts to explain American culture to the Muslim world were probably not the most productive use of his time. How many times does Obama have to explain about free speech after all, particularly when he could be guest hosting on Conan or even attending national security briefings?  It is with this in mind that RedStateVT has developed the following all-purpose statement.  We are glad to do our part to increase government productivity. You're welcome.

Blanket Statement to Muslims Who Are Outraged About Something

The United States government notes that Muslims throughout the world are outraged by the recent (fill in the blank). Please understand that the United States government had nothing to do with that. In fact, we respect all religions, including Judaism. We also have a tradition of free speech in America that permits nutjobs to say pretty much whatever they want. In America, when a nutjob says something particularly outrageous we generally ignore them. (We do not cut out their tongues.) While we feel your pain resulting from the incredible humiliation that you must be feeling over (fill in the blank) we do recommend that you just ignore it.

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to have a free and open dialog with you.

(Note: It is not necessary for you to burn any more American flags. We already have plenty of footage on that.)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could Tweet that to the Arab world next time they are outraged over nothing significant.
