Sunday, August 5, 2012


The Chickens Is Organizing
“If the thought police come to Armitage Baptist Church, we will meet them at the door, respectfully, unflinchingly, willing to die on this hill holding a copy of the sacred Scriptures in one hand and a copy of the U.S. Constitution in the other.” (Charles Lyons, Pastor of Armitage Baptist Church, Chicago, quoted on, 7/31/2012)

Last week, so-called YouTube sensation Antoine Dodson made it public that, unlike most in the gay community, he supports Chick-fil-A in the wake of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s radio interview remarks condemning gay marriage...“A lot of people from the gay community was actually telling me not to eat at Chick-fil-A and then you know, I started having these flashback because I started believing like, the gay community — we have went from being bullied to becoming bullies,” he said. (, 8/5/2012)

Two of our favorite quotes on the chicken controversy. 

Mitt Romney should win the presidential election this November....And yet, despite all of those factors clearly working against him, Obama is either statistically tied or ahead in key swing-state polling— suggesting that writing his political obituary today is decidedly premature. So, what gives? Call it the political equivalent of the nature vs. nurture debate. (Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, 8/5/2012)

We will use Cillizza's marginally comprehensible column to answer the question: Why is Obama ahead/tied in the polls? The answer is ridiculously simple. The polls are rigged. ('The results of our poll of 25 Democrats and 5 Republicans show President Obama ahead of challenger Mitt Romney by...') Given a press that will endlessly and erroneously report Romney's London comments as a gaffe and fail to challenge Harry Reid on his accusations that Romney has not paid taxes, does any thinking person believe for even one nanosecond that they would not misrepresent and distort polling numbers? 

The Liberal media has proven time and time again that they will do whatever is necessary - whatever it takes - to advance their agenda. Given the diligence of Fox, the Wall Street Journal and the wonderful Brent Bozell, their job is certainly more difficult than it used to be. Which is exactly why they have resorted to using seemingly more objective sources/measures to advance their storyline. But the truth is that they will manipulate the polls and their various 'fact-checkers' in the same manner in which they will tilt a news report. 

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