Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wish Barack Happy Father's Day

In All Places
The cascade of money has left President Obama struggling to keep up, with few Democrats willing to write multimillion-dollar checks to super PACs, in part because many of them object to the existence of super PACs in the first place. (NYT, 6/13/2012)

Among the "principled" Democrats is George Soros who refuses to spend millions on super PACs. Just kidding!

The reason that Dems are so outraged is that they are losing the money race this time. It is also worth noting that one of the reasons that rich Liberals may not donate is that they realize that a second Obama term is unlikely. Nobody wants to back a loser.

Sandra Fluke, the former Georgetown Law School student whom Rush Limbaugh famously called a “slut,” has endorsed the man who came to her defense: President Barack Obama. (, 6/14/2012)

In a much anticipated announcement likely to have an enormous and lasting impact on the 2012 presidential election, recreational sex expert Sandra Fluke threw her support behind Barack Obama. Fluke would not comment on whether the man (or men) that she has sex with (and who is/are apparently unable or unwilling to pay for her/his/their birth control) would also be supporting Obama.

Cry, Cry, Cry
So Mr. Obama ends up falling back — again and again — on the Barack Obama Defensive Offensive — which largely means, blame the Republicans. And while that strategy is not necessarily doomed to fail — polls show far more Americans still blame President George W. Bush for the economic decline than blame Mr. Obama — it also runs the danger of making Mr. Obama come across as a crybaby, not to mention opening him up to ridicule from the right. (NYT, 6/13/2012)

High five to the New York Times (yes, we said it!) for this deliciously snarky comment.

Adult Deficit
Federal per-pupil spending rose by an inflation-adjusted 375% between 1970 and 2010, yet test scores in math, science and reading remained essentially flat over the same period. Moreover, much of that money has been directed at increasing the size of the education workforce. Over the past 40 years, public school employment has grown 11 times faster than student enrollment, according to federal data compiled by Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute.

The Obama administration and their teachers union allies tell voters that education spending is all about the kids. The reality is that liberals see public education, first and foremost, as a jobs program for adults. The problem with public schools is not that we're attempting to educate children on the cheap. The problem is that our policy makers put the interests of public school employees ahead of the interests of students. (WSJ, 6/14/2012)

Charles Krauthammer called this something like "educational malpractice."

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