Thursday, December 8, 2011

What It All Means

The second thing we’re doing is we’re ramping up our effort to get rid of outdated, unjustified regulations that stifle trade and job creation.  This is especially important in sectors like the auto industry, where so many cars and products are built on both sides of the border.  But sometimes that's slowed down by regulations and paperwork that, frankly, just doesn't make sense.

So we're going to strike a better balance with sensible regulations that unleash trade and job creation, while still protecting public health and safety.  And this builds on the efforts that we have here in the United States, led by Cass Sunstein at OIRA, where we're eliminating billions of dollars in costs from regulations.  (President Barack Obama, 12/7/2011)

Fellow bloggers on the Left harp incessantly about the need for more regulation of business. Apparently George Bush gutted the regulatory controls of the country, thereby leading to the financial collapse. Or so the simplistic narrative goes. Well here we have the president calling for less regulation. So which is it? Maybe Bush got rid of the 'good' regulations while Obama is getting rid of the 'bad' ones.....?

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