Friday, December 23, 2011

The Dark Sea Of Awareness

Eating Cake
2012 will be no cakewalk for Republicans, and they’re fully capable of bungling the opportunity history has given them.  But if Obama is defeated, then it will be one of the most stunning turnarounds in the history of modern politics.  Consider: George W. Bush entered his first term with a roughly 55% approval rating (averaging the various polls) and left it with about a 47.5% approval rating — a drop of 7.5% over the course of four years full of dissension, accusation and mockery.  Obama began his first term with 65% approval ratings and has stood below 45% for the majority of the past four months — a drop of 20%, nearly three times the Bush figure. (Timothy Dalrymple,, 12/22/2011)

A simple, yet stunning indictment of modern Liberalism. Read the entire column. RedStateVT is going to start following Dalrymple.

Plaintiffs put up by liberal lawsuit shops routinely claim that ID laws endanger the rights of hundreds of thousands, but lawsuits in Indiana and Georgia were dismissed because they couldn't produce a single eligible voter who'd been turned away due to the ID requirement. Turnout has risen in states that have passed the voter ID laws, with no adverse impact on minorities. (WSJ, 12/23/2011)

About the only voters turned away were those scared off by the New Black Panthers....

Not Saying
President Obama, when asked who is to blame for the schism between him and the Republican, said he doesn't want to say "it's all them," but claims Republicans are against everything he is for.  (RealClearPolitics, 12/22/2011)

Once again, RedStateVT will explain why Republicans are "against" Obama. You may remember something called Obamacare. With control of all three branches, Obama, Pelosi and Reid jammed through a massively unpopular new entitlement program using bribes to fellow Dems and questionable legislative tactics.  Anything the Repubs have done or will do through the end of Obama's term is payback. 

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