Saturday, October 1, 2011

Everyone's a Winner

Fire in the Sky
The decision to make Mr. Awlaki a priority to be sought and killed was controversial, given his American citizenship. The American Civil Liberties Union, which fought unsuccessfully in the American court system to challenge the decision to target Mr. Awlaki, condemned the killing. (NYT, 10/1/2011)

Another excellent call by Obama to take out a murderous thug.  We can only imagine the outrage from the Left had Bush done the same thing.  Protest so far seems to be limited to the ACLU.  As we have said before, generally you have done the right thing if the ACLU objects.  Ron Paul: take note.

Tycoon Warren Buffett, headliner of last night’s fund-raiser for President Obama at the Four Seasons, reiterated his advice for a tax on “ultra-rich people who are paying very low tax rates.”  But the message appeared to have limited appeal to donors expected to pay $10,000 a plate; the turnout was “disappointing,” according to one guest.

An Obama fund-raising insider said the campaign has been getting resistance from some Wall Street donors from 2008 over the proposal, though Buffett said the event “went OK.”  (New York Post, 10/1/2011)

Wall Street donates to Obama?  Who would have thought it?  We thought they supported Republicans.  If Wall Streeters fold and double-down on Obama, they deserve what they get.  In a second term, Obama will make them bleed.

The Cuomo administration killed a controversial proposal that would have required taxpayers to foot the bill for transgender patients to get sex-change surgery.  (New York Post, 10/1/2011)

OK, this is getting crazy now.  New York Governor Cuomo is on the fast track to being named as an honorary Republican.

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