Monday, December 20, 2010

Porphyria's Lament

Yes, Indeed
“The problem is tax cuts can be popular," Frank said. (Washington Post, 12/17/10)

Barney Frank explains the problem!

Worth Noting
In 30 states, the people have protected traditional marriage by constitutional amendment: In no state where the question has been put directly to voters has same-sex marriage been adopted by democratic majorities. (Matthew J. Franck, Washington Post, 12/17/10)

Good column by Franck on the demonization of anyone who dares oppose gay marriage….which apparently includes most Americans.

The label "conservative" conveys much useful information about people who adopt it. So does the label "liberal," which is why most liberals have abandoned it, preferring "progressive," until they discredit it, too. (George Will, Washington Post, 12/19/10)

The great George Will.

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