Friday, December 18, 2009

Grading the Grader

No sooner does President Obama win praise for displaying humility in accepting the Nobel Prize, then he self-reports a "solid B+" for his first year in office. Others have already commented on what a more realistic grade might be. RedStateVT would prefer to focus on another issue; namely that of this President's utter lack of self-awareness, his failure to appreciate the prestige of the office. For goodness sakes, when you are asked to grade yourself YOU DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION! Instead you say something like: "Well, there have certainly been challenges, but we are working hard on them.....I'll leave it to the American people to decide how well we are doing." Obama sounds like a.....well, like a community organizer.

Other examples? We've talked about the bowing and scraping before other heads of state so we'll remind readers of Obama's behavior at various confabs of world leaders. American Presidents are usually carefully managed at these events so that they do not end up in a picture with the likes of Fidel Castro. The last thing America needs is the visual image of parity between the President and a crackpot dictator. Does Obama follow this time honored protocol? Of course not, and so back in April he ends up being handed a piece of propaganda from the likes of Hugo Chavez:

"...Chavez gave Obama a copy of "The Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent," a book by Eduardo Galeano, which chronicles U.S. and European economic and political interference in the region." (, 4/18/2009)

Great photo op, Mr. President!

Of course, we would be remiss if we did not remind readers of a previous President who likewise failed to respect and promote the office. Yes, it's former President Bill Clinton who treated the office like his personal trailer park. You already know the stories, but RedStateVT will remind you that candidate Clinton put himself in a position to be asked a question about his choice of underwear. When asked the "boxers or briefs question" Clinton answered. How much more appropriate and dignified it would have been for him to respond: "You look like a bright young man. With so many pressing issues facing this country today, I am going to give you another opportunity to ask me how I am going to tackle these challenges."

Now that would have been Presidential!

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