Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life Imitates RedStateVT

We caught Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty in a brief interview on television last night and found him impressive. RedStateVT will keep a closer eye on the Governor as speculation grows that he may eventually run for the presidency. Pawlenty made a similar point to that found in our 9/30 post entitled Health Scare.....namely, the absurdity of Obama's claim that a public option is ultimately required to keep private insurers honest. Pawlenty (and RedStateVT) note that this same argument can be made to justify a government version of any private industry! Is this Obama's version of free market capitalism?

In our 10/13 post entitled Memo to Olympia Snowe we noted the absurdity of calling bipartisan the recent vote on the health care bill. Saturday Night Live spoofed this last week equating it to saying "hola" to your housekeeper and claiming that you are bilingual.


  1. So without a public option how would RedStateVT keep the insurer's honest? Specifically, how would RSV solve bankrupting 1mm families annually? Or denying healthcare b/c of pre-existing conditions.

    From a more practical point of view, the medical community agrees that the insurance companies keep all their forms unique to ensure inefficiencies, which with other various artificial and inefficient structures and systems ensures an industry profit of 600 - 800 billion.

    I'm for universal coverage. I wish the insurance industry would band together and implement it themselves without any govt involvement.

  2. Jeff - Can we have a place to tee up issues or questions without referencing an initial article? And you then weigh in?

  3. will rsv consider articles on:

    1. drinking age should be 18. you can die for your country and you can vote at 18. conversation over.

    2. legal mariguana. the 40 year test has failed. take 50% of the anti-drug funding and give it to all 50 states for education on this issue [attack the demand side]. Return the other 50% to the treasury.

    3. afghanistan and the larger war on terror. pull the troops out. add $s for drones and other technologies. the war on terror is bluntly and inefficiently waged with our troops on foreign soil. moreover, it is a much larger security issue for these united states that we have run and continue to run massive annual deficits federally.
