Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why Democrats Should Like Donald Trump

In many regards, the persona of Donald Trump is entirely consistent with many of the things that Democrats have practiced over the years; things that have given Republicans pause, but which Democrats have insisted are (pick one) no big deal, nobody's business/private matters or representative of mainstream behavior. Far from criticizing Trump, Democrats should embrace him. Let's review several of the popular knocks on Trump and explain why.

The Donald has been married three times. 

In the distant past, anything other than a happily married candidate was a non-starter for political viability. While Ronald Reagan opened the door to a divorced president, it was Bill Clinton and his MoveOn supporters who ended the notion that a president's conduct in and around marriage mattered. 

The Donald may have engaged in some dubious real estate deals.

No doubt when faced with Republican nominee Trump Democrats will want to talk about real estate. Do they really want to go there? Democrats are heavily burdened with Whitewater, Harry Reid's Nevada shenanigans and, oh yeah, Barack and Michelle's dubious Chicago land deal. You remember, don't you? The one where they bought an adjoining parcel at a sweetheart price from a convicted felon. It doesn't get talked about that much, but if the Dems want to talk real estate, let's talk real estate. 

The Donald speaks off the cuff and sometimes says outrageous things. 

One name. Joe Biden. End of discussion.

The Donald changes his position. 

Most politicians do. Why Obama and Hillary were once even against gay marriage!

The Donald is rich.

Trump was born rich, but went out and made himself richer through hard work. So apparently Democrats believe that is worse than getting rich by giving six figure speeches to special interest groups seeking to curry favor? Like the previous issues, being rich is not a point on which Democrats can argue. In fact, Democrats should embrace their inner Trump. Why he can even be the country's first true consensus candidate! 

Make America Great Again!

Burn Down the Missions
The Plan to Shut Down Gitmo: Congress should carefully consider the Obama administration’s viable plan to shut down the prison at Guantánamo Bay by the end of the year. (New York Times editorial, 2/23/2016)

Imagining a Rikers Island With No Jail: The sensible thing to do with the jail complex is to close it. (New York Times editorial, 2/24/2016)

We are starting to see a pattern here. Do you? 

Liberals are NOT soft on crime (repeat ten times).

And here's another thought: With the New York Times closing down a prison a day, why do we even need to replace Justice Scalia? At this rate, there will be little for judges to do!

Mr. Sanders, those who know him say, exemplifies a distinct strain of Judaism, a secular offshoot at least 150 years old whose adherents in the shtetls of Eastern Europe and the jostling streets of the Lower East Side were socialists, anarchists, radicals and union organizers focused less on observance than on economic justice and repairing a broken world. (New York Times, 2/24/2016)

Yes, you read that correctly. Bernie comes from a long line of socialists and anarchists. 

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