Tuesday, December 8, 2015

We're Perfectly Safe Now

Bad Behavior 
After talking about his plus ça change strategy to tackling the Islamic State, he (Obama) began telling Americans what they “should not do”. Because everyone loves that estranged father who comes back into your life just in time to tell you how to behave. (Raheem Kassam, Breitbart.com, 12/6/2015)

President Above-It-All. When Bush's Iraq strategy failed, he came up with a winning strategy: the surge. Obama's strategy: tell Americans that 'This-Too-Shall-Pass.'  Raised in Indonesia, Obama proves again that he is simply not in touch with the average American.

Absent Without Leave
President Barack Obama tried to reassure the American people from the Oval Office on Sunday evening that he takes the threat of terrorism seriously: “For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing.” However, as the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) has shown, Obama skips more than half of his daily intelligence briefings. (Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart.com, 12/7/2015)

Obama has, however, attended ALL meetings in which climate change is discussed. 

As the debate on how best to contain the Islamic State continues to rage in Western capitals, the militants themselves have made one point patently clear: They want the United States and its allies to be dragged into a ground war. (New York Times, 12/8/2015)

So the strategy of President Clueless is NOT to send troops in to defeat ISIS because that is exactly what ISIS wants, i.e. it plays right in to their prophetic visions of the end of times. Hence ISIS can run amok in the Middle East knowing full well that the only power strong enough to defeat them will not intervene. Sounds like someone just got outwitted.

Pen Name
(Marine Le Pen) talks about the French “nation” and its “sovereignty” and making France once again proud of its “founding values” and “authentic Frenchness.” Such language takes aim at anyone who does not embrace assimilation into the French way of life. (New York Times, 12/8/2015)

The implication of the New York Times is that French political figure Marine Le Pen is somehow a bigot because she insists on promoting French values and insists that immigrants assimilate. Because what could possibly go wrong if they don't?  

Preacher Man
He does not make a case; he preaches a moral. He mistakes repetition for persuasion. He does not struggle with the direction, details or trade-offs of policy because he’s figured them all out. His policies never fail; it’s our patience that he finds wanting. (Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, 12/8/2015)

No one has done a better job of dissecting the essence of Obama's personal and political philosophy than the Wall Street Journal op-ed writers.

GOP hopefuls weren’t “preaching about prayer.” They were offering their prayers (just like President Obama did the next day). If this had been an earthquake, would you reject prayers while survivors were still being plucked from the rubble? Would you denounce anyone who refrained from touting their preferred building code legislation? (Jonah Goldberg, Bostonherald.com, 12/5/2015)

Liberals opine that Republicans aren't allowed to express condolences to victims when a shooting takes place (e.g. at a Planned Parenthood center) because they support the Second Amendment. Meanwhile, Liberals never express condolences to babies exterminated by Planned Parenthood. 

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