Sunday, August 30, 2015

Enter Through the Narrow Gate

“At any point when the rhetoric ramps up to the point where calculated, coldblooded assassinations of police officers happen, this rhetoric has gotten out of control,” Sheriff Hickman said. “We’ve heard ‘Black Lives Matter.’ All lives matter. Well, cops’ lives matter, too. So why don’t we just drop the qualifier and just say ‘Lives Matter,’ and take that to the bank.” (New York Times, 8/30/2015)

Sheriff Hickman is a wise and sensible man. Of course his suggestion will NEVER be adopted because it does not permit LIBERALS their favorite pastime, tearing the country apart with identity politics. 

RIP Deputy Darren H. Goforth.

It isn’t fair to blame Islam for the atrocities of violent radicals. But when terrorists claim the Muslim mantle, then they bear this identity, if only nominally. Thus members of the faith must do whatever possible to prevent this cancer from metastasizing in our communities. If we don’t, we’ll be partly responsible for the smeared image of our faith. (Fethullah Gulen, Wall Street Journal, 8/27/2015)

Another wise and sensible man. Yes, America should continue bombing the jihadists, but that is not enough. Peace-loving Muslims must stand up and reclaim their religion.

A rejection of the nuclear deal could lead to radicalism in Iran (Washington Post headline, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a research scholar at Princeton University and a former spokesman for Iran’s nuclear negotiators, 8/28/2015)

.... because there is NO radicalism in Iran today.

Alas, RedStateVT had hoped to bring you a third wise man today. Instead, an idiot. (Parents, don't send junior to Princeton). 

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