Friday, July 3, 2015

The Bernie Sanders "No Deodorant Tour" Rolls On

Mr. Sanders contributed pieces only sporadically. He interviewed a “labor agitator” and an old-time farmer, and he wrote some articles about health, including one in which he cited studies claiming that cancer could be caused by psychological factors such as unresolved hostility toward one’s mother, a tendency to bury aggression beneath a “facade of pleasantness” and having too few orgasms.

“Sexual adjustment seemed to be very poor in those with cancer of the cervix,” he wrote, quoting a study in a journal called Psychosomatic Medicine. (New York Times, 7/3/2015)

As we have said many times about Colonel Sanders: It is best to just let him talk.

Liberals...this is your guy. 

1 comment:

  1. One of the few Democrats who would get me to vote for Jeb Bush, but not the Tea Party anti-immigration candidates. I could never stomach voting for one of them.
