Sunday, June 21, 2015

Listen and Understand

Deliver Us From Evil
One by one, they looked to the screen in a corner of the courtroom on Friday, into the expressionless face of the young man charged with making them motherless, snuffing out the life of a promising son, taking away a loving wife for good, bringing a grandmother’s life to a horrific end. And they answered him with forgiveness. (New York Times, 6/20/2015)

The sight of Christians forgiving the man who murdered their relatives and friends amazes us, but it should not. That is what true Christians do and it is extraordinarily humbling. In an age where progressive secularism has become ascendant in some places and radical Islam in others, the world needs more Christians.

Other thoughts:
Because the Charleston killer apparently used a handgun, Liberals cannot go off on their usual rants about assault weapons. So instead they have decided to exploit the tragedy by pointing to the Confederate flag. Sorry, we don't see the connection.

Atheist Bill Maher has reportedly found the (real) guilty party. According to Maher it is Fox News. He got us wondering though, if Fox News is responsible for white on black crime, does that mean MSNBC is responsible for black on white crime? Liberal logic.

In a Name
Mr. Obama’s power as his party’s most important figure was on display after the speech to the mayors’ conference. A fund-raiser at the home of Tom Steyer, a hedge fund manager and environmentalist, drew about 50 guests, who paid $10,000 to $33,400 to hear Mr. Obama speak. (New York Times, 6/20/2015)

So Tom Steyer has now been reborn as a "hedge fund manager and environmentalist." We are guessing that means that the Koch brothers are henceforth going to be described by the New York Times as "billionaire philanthropists.

But we would be wrong...

Down and Out
As secretary of state, she helped Obama push the Trans-Pacific Partnership that is at the center of the current trade fight. In Australia in 2012, she was effusive, saying that the trade pact “sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.”

Now Hillary says she is unsure about the pact and would likely oppose giving President Obama the special authority to negotiate trade deals for an up-or-down vote in Congress. (Maureen Dowd, New York Times, 6/20/2015)

Thanks to Maureen Dowd for reminding us who Hillary Clinton is. 

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