Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ready for Hillary: E-mail Scandal Officially Declared "Old News"

The question moving forward for Mr. Obama may be whether he should essentially write off the Israeli prime minister in much the same way he has written off building any relationship with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, another frequent antagonist. (New York Times, 3/18/2015)

Relationships that Obama has not written off (in fact they are thriving!) include: the Iranian mullahs and the Castro brothers.

Never Never Land
But personally, Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu have never become close, aides said. The Israeli prime minister is known for being difficult. James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, once barred Mr. Netanyahu, then a more junior government official, from the halls of the State Department. President Bill Clinton famously disliked Mr. Netanyahu. (New York Times, 3/18/2015)

Liberals are beside themselves that Netanyahu was resoundingly re-elected. They haven't been this upset since... well, since the recent U.S. mid-term elections. And so the New York Times decides that the best approach is to trash-talk Bibi.

Meanwhile, over at MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell takes the democratic election of Netanyahu as a sign of the end of days. Helpfully, she interviews Palestinians who provide objective analyses of the horrible consequences that this election has for the region. 

Just kidding about the "objective" part! 

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