Saturday, February 14, 2015

Obama: For gay marriage before he pretended to be against it

Name Calling
In the long-running political battles over climate change, the fight about what to call the various factions has been going on for a long time. Recently, though, the issue has taken a new turn, with a public appeal that has garnered 22,000 signatures and counting.

The petition asks the news media to abandon the most frequently used term for people who question climate science, “skeptic,” and call them “climate deniers” instead. (New York Times, 2/13/2015)

We suggest calling those who do not question "climate science"...."climate truthers."

In The Name Of
Why does Obama have no problem declaring that “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” yet he has never once said that terrorists have “committed terrible deeds in the name of Allah” or “in the name of Islam”? In his prayer breakfast speech, Obama bent over backward to avoid using the word “Islamic” in reference to the terrorists. He will not even call it the “Islamic State,” the name that virtually every U.S. news organization uses. He said that “ISIL” killed “in the name of religion.” So the Islamic State kills “in the name of religion,” but Christians killed “in the name of Christ”?

Obama is willing to condemn by name what he considers Christian radicalism, but he still to this day refuses to condemn “Islamic radicalism” by name. You can’t defeat an ideology if you are unwilling to even name it. When the president of the United States watches Islamic terrorists burn a man alive in a cage and responds by saying we should not “get on our high horse” because “people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ” it is a propaganda victory for the terrorists and a loss for persecuted Christians struggling to survive under the Islamic State’s brutal rule. (Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post, 2/10/2015)

Why indeed. We have pondered this long and hard and a possible answer is beginning to dawn on us.... Obama is a Muslim. 

Could it be true? (After all, Obama famously declared he was a Muslim in an interview with George Stephanopolous years ago. Stephanopolous bailed him out by saying: "You are a Christian." If you haven't heard about this, no surprise as it was largely suppressed by the State Media.

We are not yet certain, but how else to explain his constant reminders of American and Christian sins coupled with his soft apologies for Islamic terrorism.

Long Ago
Months ago, Mrs. Clinton’s top advisers encouraged the three pro-Clinton super PACs — Ready for Hillary, Priorities USA and Mr. Brock’s American Bridge 21st Century — to combine efforts. Mr. Brock’s organization would provide opposition research to Priorities, which would eventually raise high-dollar donations to pay for attack ads. (New York Times, 2/11/2015)

Three Super PACs. High dollar donations. Attack ads.

Kind of makes the Koch brothers look genteel ...

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